Eagle Island Deer 9th 1835
Gent Sarni Houston My dear Sir
i arrived here a few days since with Genl. Mexia from Tampico, upon which we made a desperate attempt, but were driven back with loss. I am the General's aid-de-camp, & we will probably proceed to the scene of action in two or three days, taking the Steam Boat as far as Columbia, & there take up our line of march. I am informed that a Standing Army is to be raised, & that you have accepted the command of the same, & believing as I do that it will be the only really effective force of the Country, I am desirous to receive some appointm~nt under your command. I am Major here in this Batallion, & led the attack upon Tampico. I should be happy to receive some notice of this lelter from you, informing me as to my prospects in the regular army, addressed to me (if we dont pass thru San Philipe) at the Camp. We are llO strong some excellent men. Truly as ever Your Friend & obt. serl. Chas. Hawkins Edgar commands the recruiting station at Baltimore & is well. [14251 [HOUSTON to BARRETT] Head Quarters St. Felipe 9 Decbr 1835. Dear Sir, I beg leave lo suggest in consequence of your kind offers-that some difference should be made between the Regular troops & the volunteers which may join the army-viz, that the Regular soldiers should receive 24 dollars bounty one half to be paid al the time of their muster al Head Quarters, the other half 6 months after muster and also an addition of 100 acres lo their present bounty making in all 740 acres of prime land.- Feeling the most perfeel confidence in the clearness and perspicuity of your views on this subject-renders a further explanation on my part unnecessary- Sam Houston Col. D. C. Barrett Council Room St Felipe [Addressed:] Col. D. C. Barrett Council Room Present
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