New Orleans Deer. 9, 1835
To the Govr & Council Gentlemen
I present~d to the Acting Committee the proceedings of the Convention which proved highly satisfactory they informed me that all the funds had been expended and that no further collections had been made during my absence I was therefore prevented from making a purchase of Guns untill I could obtain further means. I therefore gave notice in the papers that l would receive donations &c. which brol forward a .Mr. Wm Brookfield who made a Loan of Eleven Hundred Dollars lo he appropriated to the purchase of Provisions &c I accordingly spent about half of the amt in furnishing 50 men from Georgia who sail in the Scho Santiago for Brasoria-the other part to be used as I thot necessary in furnishing Guns &c I have also received other contributions which I hope will enable me to purchase a Howitser if nothing more to sent to Coxes point, 100 more volunteers have also arrived from Georgia to sail in the Scho Pennsylvania for Coxes point to clay. Mr. Allen is in treaty for a fine vessel to be well armd & Equipd., lo cruise of the coast, a small Mexican Scho called the Venus from Campeachy is filling out for the J\'lexican service, which may be made a prise to !Vlr Allens vessel if he can get her out in time, which I hope will be the case, I have had numerous calls from persons wishing lo enter the service & could raise a thousand men if I had the means, I hope lo see the Commissioners soon on their way lo Washington untill which I shall be compelled to defer part of my Business-I have enclosed the Table of pay lo the U S army which may he of service I have also sent the papers.
I have the Honor to be Your Obt. Serv. Eclw Hall
P.S Believing it might he necessary I opened this letter
Wm H Wharton
22d December 1835
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