Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

cooperate with you lo the reduction of that place. I have no faith in him Andyou will keep a strict eye on him. And if he should seem not to act in good faith I now order you to arrest him and his men, disarm them and hold them as prisoners of war subject to my order. I wish you lo use every means in your power lo Conciate [sic] and keep under proper controul so that they may Cooperate to advantage. Bexar must fall, and I confidantly hope by your hands. You shall have every aid and support that Texas can afford. Every effort will be used lo sustain Texas under her present organization both by her own Citizens and foreigners. The intriguing party who are allied to Mexican Policy and Interest for the purpose of sustaining their own rascally speculateing will fall, the honest people have much jealousy against them, and their eyes are open. Much jealousy & suspicion is afloat respecting previous management al Camp, believing the intention with many was to sustain that policy-I wish you particularly to look out for that. & do not suffer yourself o be decieved I feel anxious that you should keep clear of such deceptions. Believe nothing you may hear derogatory lo the present organization of Texas, it will be sustained & must be or the Country is lost. Our agents have been dispatched to the United States to raise men & means, and will I have no doubt succeed in both. We have information from these which is encouraging & confidanlly hope we will be able Lo fit out a formadable campaigne in the Spring both by Land & sea l t is expected by the people that Bejar will faJJ by your hands. Do not disappoint them Reduce it with as little loss & delay as possible. Use every means to keep up unanimity and good feeling in our Camp. The Credit & character of the Country al home and abroad depend upon you. Communicate with me often let your wants be known and they shall be promptly attended lo You will use the following address To His Excellency Henry Smith Governor of Texas With Sentiments of respect & consideration I am Your fr'd & Servant

Henry Smith Governor

San Felipe 9th Deer. 1835.


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