circumstances shall direct your return lo the bosom of your fellow citizens. San Felipe de Austin 8th Deer. 1835
With sentiments of the highest respect and consideration I am Gentlemen Your Ohl Servant Henry Smith Governor
Charles B. Stewart Secretary of Executive
[1414) [SMITH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department of Texas.
To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:
Gentlemen:-} hasten to lay before your honorable body a communication just received from the Commandant of Goliad. The documents will show for themselves, and you take such action on them as circumstances shall direct. The express carrier is in wailing. With sentiments, &c. &c.
Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.
December 8th, 1835.
[1415) [SMITH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department of Texas.
To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:
Gentlemen:-! transmit to your honorable Body, the copy of a letter received in my department, from the Commander-in-Chief, General Sam Houston. Your honorable body will see by the tenor of his communication the reasons and propriety of his request; and seeing myself that delays in the organization of the army would be dangerous, I confidently hope that everything consistent with your duties in Lhal matter will be promptly attended to. With sentiments, &c. &c.
I am Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.
December 8th, 1835.
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