Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

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'·An ordinance for granting letters of marque and reprisal.

'A decree for establishing a Navy.

"An ordinance regulating the Militia." The ordinance appointing Thomas F. M'Kinney for the purposes therein named, which has been passed by a constitutional majority, has now received my signature, as well, also, as the one appropriating money for the use of the army, &c., all of which I herewith transmit. I transmil also for the information of your body a commuoication, received by express, from head-quarters, which you will use as circumstances may direct. With sentiments &c., &c.,

Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.

November, 27th 1835.



At Sixtey Days after date we Jointly or severally promise to pay to the provisional or State Government of Texas the sum of Ten Dollars being the amt purchased by me at the publick sale of this Day. Camp near Bejar Nov. 27 1835 SIO. Henry Teal J. Roberts

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(1317] [GAY lo FLETCHER]

[Thomas Gay, San Felipe, lo Joshua Fletcher, Treasurer of the Provisional Government, November 28, 1835, acknowledging receipt of Sl660.00 lo he used "for the benefit of the volunteer army of the people." I

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