Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Army of Operations Excellent Senor:

As upon the arrival of General Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma at San Antonio de Bejar, there may occur some differences over the command of those forces stationed there, because of the equal rank of the co-commanders, it seems prudent to me, in dangerous and extraordinary situations, to prevent by all means altercations or misunderstandings that might upset the service of the nation; and, furthermore, since such singleness of command in operations of war is indispensable, I have seen fit that your Excellency, as my second in command, shall march with all possible speed to San Antonio de Bejar to take command of the troops stationed there until I can arrive with the rest of the army, which, as your Excellency knows, I am organizing at General Headquarters. On your Excellency's assuming command of those troops, you will give your attention to the improvement of the fort, and to delaying the enemy until my arrival so that the engagement may be fought successfully. If the enemy should break camp am attempt to retreat to their towns, then, and then only, will yow Excellency take the necessary steps to engage them from the rear, taking advantage of the moment which your Excellency finds most opportune, to prevent them from going into the cities, engaging them decisively. At the moment that the enemy breaks camp, your Excellency will send me information of it by an extraordinary courier. To General Martin Perfecto de Cos and General Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma I am transcribing a communication in order that they shall accord you their entire cooperation by putting themselves at once under your orders. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of San Luis Potosi. December 8, 1835. Ant. Lopez de Santa Ana. Senor General of Division, Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations.


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