from the Mexican Governmcnl had been exhibited by Lhe commander of the Correo. Until such a documenl shall be produced, it will be unnecessary Lo inquire whether iL would screen him from prosecution in the courts of the United S LaLes for an act like that with which he is charged in Lhe case in question. The reports of the dislricl attorney likewise show Lhat Lieutenant Ocampo has instituted suil against the master of Lhe San Felipe for damages for illegal confinement, and has claimed restitution of a thousand dollars alleged to have been taken from him, as represented in Mr. Castillo's note of the 17th of October. The reports do not slate Lhat such a sum passed into the hands of any person on board the vessel, but that when Captain Thompson was arrested in New Orleans, he deposited with the sheriff four or five hundred dollars, which, it was said, was all the money in the possession of any one on board the Correo. The whole matter being thus before the judicial tribunals to which belong the trials of such cases, is in Lhe way of receiving a full and impartial examination. Unlit that has taken place, the President will be unable to form any satisfaclory opinion on the subject. But he is persuaded that the Mexican Government will see, as he does, in the high character of the courts of the United States, a sufficient guaranty that justice will be done, without derogating from any righls of Mexico or her citizens which may be involved in the case. The undersigned renews lo Mr. Castillo the assurances of his high consideration. John Forsyth. Senor Don J.M. de Castillo y Lanzas, &c.
(1406) [HOUSTON to WALLACE] Head Quarters, San Felipe, 8th Deer. 1835.
Army Orders
1st Lieut B. C. Wallace of the Isl Regt Arl. is detailed to perform the duties of Actg Asst Adjutant Genl. lo the Comdr in Chief of the Army of Texas
Sam Houston Comdr in Chief of the Army
28th January 1836 ceased
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