Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

the movements already indicated. The least disorder must always be avoided, even that which is sometimes produced hy the enthusiasm of the soldier. 8. If the enemy were to remain in one of the missions named, or in some other place which they might have fortified, you will try, before attacking, to examine it [the place] well until there is no more doubt about its real condition, and nothing will be undertaken if there are no certain facts of a successful outcome, which is a decisive defeat, as any upset would be irreparable in those lands so distant from aid; for the same reason nothing should be left up lo fortune. 9. The foreigners who are making war against the Mexican nation, violating all laws, are not deserving of any consideration, and for that reason no quarter will be given them. This order will be made known to the troops at an opportune time. They have, with audacity, declared a war of extermination to the Mexicans, and they should he treated the same way. Not being able lo foresee all the situations in which the General of the ]st Division might find himself, it is up to his valor and skill to prepare for them, charging him above all not to undertake any action whatsoever, without being certain of a successful ending. Although not because of this must he fail to take advantage of any opportunity that might present itself of carelessness or cowardice on the part of the enemy. General Headquarters of San Luis Potosi. December 7, 1835. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. [To General Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma.] [1403] [SMITH to AUSTIN ET AL] (Henry Smith, San Felipe, lo Stephen F. Austin, Branch T. Archer, and William H. Wharton, December 7, 1835, commissioning them to go to the United States on behalf of Texas, and to attempt to contract a million dollar loan.]


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