Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1314] [RIPLEY to RIPLEY]

Velasco. Mouth of the River Rrasos 27 Nov 1835

Dear Father,

I arrived here a few days ago came out in the Julius Caesar in company with 12 Young (respectable) men as Volunteers. We arrived here in three days from the City- but narrowly escaped shipwreck on the Bar which is formed by the meeting of the Southeast trade winds and the River itself. We was on the Bar thinking about for ten hours, and they seemed long I assure You the waves broke over the deack and we were completely drenched. However we got off by means of a Steam Boat owned here. It is 4. Miles from the Mouth of the River to Brasoria. The Steam Boat towed us up to that place the same night. You can not describe with what pleasure and allention we were hailed every thing ,,·as offered us. Blankets, dinners and every thing possible. Great enthusiasm prevails here, we were carried up and down the River free of expense and we are going over to Mata Gorda tomorrow in a schooner which has been offered us. The agent of the People has dignified our corps by ordering us lo transport provisions and clothing to the army, and if some Guns have not already gone from that place to transport them also, we are all very anxious lo be al San Antonio before it, taking which will be sure to be done when the Cannon arrive. I hope You and Ma stood Your Journey well and arrived safe and sound. Please direct Your letters to San Felipe, Head Quarters of the Army.

I remain Your affect. Son H. D. Ripley

[Addressed:] Gen. E.W. Ripley, M.C. Washington City, D.C. Care of James W. Breedlove Collector New Orleans

[1315] [SMITH to COUNCIL)

£xeculive Department of Texas.

To the Honorable, the Pn:sidcnl, and Members of the Legislalivt~ Council:

Gentlemen-I haw had under consideration Lhe following

ordinances passed hy your body, viz:


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