Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

gaining my object, as in lwo minutes we had dislodged the enemy and laken lwo pieces of canon, obliging them lo shut themselves up in the fortified houses whence they first on us-Disorder appearing among a part of our raw recruits, and the absolute want of cartridges lo keep up the attack, it being necessary lo keep up a strong fire lo dos] pssess lje fprlofoed jpises, all this united lo the weariness of the troops arising from lhe shipwreck and the faligues of the march-decided me to retreat after consulting with Capls Allen and Lambert (the only Capts who maintained their character as soldiers) whether they thought they could follow up the attack in the then present stale of the troops-We had 8 killed and as many more wounded also 20 who had deserted the ranks, and who dispersing themselves in the City in the Commencement of the attack were taken prisoners-Those who remained in the ranks al the time of the retreat rached their destination- One of my first acts on my arrival al the bar was lo write to our friends in the interior on whom we could relic, among them General Montezuma- but in our situation without horses to dispose of these communications they could not be repealed and I not knowing whether they would fall in Lhe enemys hands or that I would receive an answer. Being masters of the Bar & Forl of Tampico we could have sustained our position against the forces which Lhe enemy could have brought Martial law had been proclaimed in Tampico obliging Spaniard and Citizens lo lake arms-However to defend ourselves il was necessary lo obtain amunilion as we had neither lead ·nor moulds to make musket balls-The absolute want of these things, as also lhe scarcity of provisions and money Lo purchase them, also Lhe nalurel discontent of our troops dissatisfied by the want of clothing and good food- Under these circumstances it appeared lo me most prudent lo abandon my position and go to Texas; there to follow up the campaign against the tirany of the military clergy- Many vessels were al lhc bar but none so appropriate for our objecl as lhe Am. Sehr. Ha.lcyon, respecting her flag as neutral I could nol oblige the Capt Lo serve as a lransporl consequently agreed lo charter him for $2000 The twelve clays we remained al lhe bar we did not see the enemy but the 26th when we were embarking and al the lime I was lefl in the fort with five Artillery men with 20 Soldiers along with Capls Allen &. Lambert we sa,~


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