Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

( 13991 lMEXIA lo SMITl-lj Quintana Mouth river Brazos 7th Dec 1835

Your Excellency Sir

I deem il a duly incumbent on me as a public character as also the duly which the sacred cause we defend imposes on me lo lay before your Excely a brief narrative of the origin, organisation, and combination, which decided me lo undertake the expedition against Tampico and which was done in accordance, and with the assistance of the Committee appointed by the Citizens of New Orleans friendly lo our cause assembled at a meeting for that purpose of which your Excely has been duly advised by lellers from Wm. H Christy Esqr. President thereof Jmmedialely after the information was recd. of th movements which the troops of the Userper Santa Anna had made on Texas and that its inhabitants were making preperalions lo resist the invasion, I agreed with the said Commillee to see what measures we could adopt to cooperate for rending effective aid to the cause of Texas which I have and do view as the cause of the sound part of the whole Republic- At the Lime we were thus engaged Mr. George Fisher arrived at New Orleans from Matamoras banished the country by order of Santa Anna who delivered me a communication of the Governor of the Stale of Tamaulipas in which his Excely invited me to take the field against the usurping administration of Santa Anna. · In consequence of this and other information which we had in New Orleans respecting the public opinion throughout the states of the Confederalion against tyrany, the Committee and myself agreed with the consent of the vice president Farias to raise a small expedition which landing in Tampico or .Matamoras thus calling the attenion of the Centralists toward these points would serve as a diversion in favor of the oppressed Federalists, al the same time deprive the Government of the resourses yielded by one of its principal Custom Houses whence we could gel pecuniary aid necessary for the expcnces of the war-This plan which we agreed on Mr. Chrisly was charged lo communicate lo the provisional Government of Texas, I also forwarded the same through the


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