Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Resolved, Thal William Pellus, lhe conlraclor of the volunteer army, in conjunclion, and with the advice of T. F. McKinney, be direcled lo make such provisions for General Mexia, and his command, at the mouth of the Brasos, as will enable Lhem lo proceed into the interior, &c., with the object of carrying the war into the enemy's country; and that Gen. Mexia be required lo report his plan of operations, through the said conlractor, in writing, Lo the Provisional Government of Texas. San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 6, 1835. James W. Robinson, Lieut. Gov. and ex officio Pres't of Gen. Council. B. M. Pease, Sec'y of Gen'I Council. Passed by a constitutional majority, my veto to the conlrary notwithstanding. Henry Smith, Governor. Chas. B. Stewarl, Secretary of Executive.

(1398] [AUTRY to AUTRY]

Memphis, Tennessee December 7, 1835

[Dear Wife]

I have taken my passage in the steamboat Pacific and shall leave in an hour or two.... I have met in the same boat a numher of acquaintances from Nashville and the District, bound for Texas, among whom are George C. Childress and his brother. Childress thinks the fighting will be over before we get there, and speaks cheeringly of the prospects. I feel more energy than I ever did in anything I have undertaken. I am determined to provide for you a home or perish.... Fare you all well till you hear from me again, perhaps from Natchez.... Micajah Autry


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