consumed Lhere will be room in the waggons for the sick if sick there should be- True copy from the original Leon Dyer Aid de camp (Addressed:] To Major General Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Texas Army At Nacogdoches- By express (Endorsed:J From Genl. Thos. J. Green to Tho'sj. Rusk Aug l 1836. Advocating invasion of Mexico (3844] (HOUSTON to LANDRUM]
Ayish Bayou 1st Aug. 1836
You are hereby appointed to take cognisance of all matters in the District of Sabine relating to the Army of Texas, which are connected wilh the defences of Lhe country. You will ascertain the names of all able bodied men in the District, those who have served a tour of duty and have an honorable discharge, those who have substituted others in their place, and whether those substituted have performed service. You will also ascertain what number have been accepted as substituted ,vithout arms and the names of those who have left the country and made sale of lands. You will call on Capt Bryant for a list of all those who deserted from his company agreeably to his verbal report to me on Brazos from the time he left home, un Iii he reported to me at Groces. All persons who leave the country until the war is over, and all who have not aided in defence of the country-those who are liable to do du Ly in the army will forfeit their land and the rights of citizenship-all sales which have been made of land with a view to leave Texas and avoid the war, or those made since leaving, or any to be made hereafter are and will be void. You ,vill make report to me at Nacogdoches every two weeks unlit further orders. You will omit nothing which can be of manifest advantage to the services. You will stop all arms and ammunition whiqh may come to your knowledge, in the hands of those who are leaving the country, or that you are satisfied from facts intend to do so, and report these to me at Nacogdoches. In the execution of this order with all necessary information you will not fail to make speedy report.
Your Obt Sevt Sam Houston
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