as may be in Matamoras or at least keep them [deleled J those back in the upper country- If however it be thought a want of baggage waggons be an insurmountable objection lo this rou le, I think the trip may be effected by marching lo Dimmill's landing upon Matagorda bay & taking such vessels & other boats as may be had placing the infantry upon them & sailing for Matamoras al the same time concerting a plan of operations wilh the Cavalry to make a diversion by obliquing to the right & falling down so as lo unite with the sea expedition-should it so happen by the time lhe expedition reaches its destination that their force should have been so much increased as to render its success doubtful jump right upon Tampico, burn it & pay your losses- In these lines-my dear Sir-you have the selection of my plan of operations. I must be allowed the vanity to believe they are practicable & in their success would be seal the permanent peace of liberty of Texas ... [torn] For one I am willing to slake my all, my Life upon the issue with ... [ torn j number of men & I do not think it fit time in the situation of this country lo calculate difficulties too nicely- There are few that cannot be surmounted with industry & determination- The 10,000 Greeks retreated with a leader 1000 miles through a wilderness country & before 150,000 Persians our enemy as weak & contemptible as they are represented has just performed a march of 2000 miles & partly over this very road, & shall we faint in looking across a small prairie at a golden city beyond which is Golden Liberty. Very Respectfully Your Ob't. humble Serv't. Thos. J. Green Brig. Genl. Texas Army. We have at this time between 50 & 60 yoke of oxen which would carry 25000 lb of Bread stuffs & Salt. This would be ample provisions for an Army of 1500 Men on this march particularly if it was in sea biscuit which we have in abundance- At the same time drive on full supply of Beef & dispence with every tent & other articles not of absolute necessity- I will cheerfully dispence with mine- There are an abundance of horses & mules for the Park of Artillery & the amunition-as the bread stuffs are
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