que venia dcl ejcrcito. Este correo ya se clelenia por falta <le socorro, que no podia proporcionarle la renta que se hallaba exhausta, y a la que varias veces ausilio de su bolsillo el espresado Sr. general Fernandez, porque con frecuencia occurria en vano a la comisaria; siendo de advertir, que ese mismo correo que se deluvo, salio socorriclo por dicho Sr. general. Todo lo que tengo el honor de decir a V. E. en contestacion a su oficio de hoy, que acaba de recibir, protestandole a la vez mi respeto y aprecio a su persona. - Dios y libertad. Matamoros Agosto l. de J.836. - Francisco Garcia. - Ecsmo. Sr. general en gefe del ejercito de operaciones D. Jose Urrea.
[3842) [GREEN to HOUSTON]
Head Quarters Colello Aug 1st 1836
Dear Gen)
Since closing my letter to you of the 30th ult. I undersland the cabinet influence and party about Velasco will run Genl. S. F. Austin for Pres. this [torn] solution of the charge "Military [torn] for they calculated either yourself or Genl. Rusk would be run. The question is a plain one-will the people have a governmenl energelic & ready to fight them out of this war, or will the~ have a government of Negociation, to forever lay about and boothck Santa Anna's royal feet. To Majr. Genl. Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Texas Army Very Respectfully Your Friend & Obt. Sevt. Brig. Gen. Texas Army (3843) [GREEN to RUSK]
Head Quarters Colello August 1st 1836
To Brig. Genl. Thomas J. Rusk Commanding Texas Army Dear Sir:
The present critical siluation of our Army & country together with the position & delermination of the enemy lo prosecute Lhe \Var with «~ncrgy & inhuman barbarity are sufficient reasons for each & every C1:rwral Offic1~r to give his opinions fully
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