July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


Head Quarters, Coleto August 1st, 1836

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT I shall require every Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon, performing the duties of Surgeon, quarterly reports of sick, with such remarks as may he necessary to explain the nature of the disease of the troops, the practice adopted, and the kinds of medicines and stores required, together with a copy of entries made for the quarter in the hook kept for the diary of the weather, accompanied with suitable observations; also it is required of every Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon, having charge of public property of any description for the use of sick, duplicate semi-annual rehtrns of the same, in form and manner prescribed, and annual requisitions for the supplies required for each regiment, hospital, post or garrison for the ensuing year. I shall require from the officers of the Apothecary Department duplicates of all invoices of supplies put up for and delivered or forwarded to the several Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons, and also rehtrns of the several articles purchased, received, and issued by them.

A.Ewing Surgeon General, Texian Army

[3841) [GARCIA to URH,EA]

Administracion de correos de la ciudad y puerto de Matamoros.-Ecsmo. Sr. - Jamas V. E. ha tenido intervencion, ni por insinuacion, en el despacho de esta oficina sobre detencion de correos estraordinarios, ya venidos <lei supremo gobierno para el Ecsmo. Sr. general D. Vicente Filisola, ya puestos por este Sr. al gohierno; pues uno, unico que se detuvo en su transito para Mexico, fue a pedimento <lei Sr. comandante general D. Francisco Vital Fernandez, quien manifesto tenia que mandar con el plieges de mucho interes para el supremo gohierno, y a cuyo objeto ya me hahia pedido un estraordinario que se omitio con la detencion de!



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