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[3828) (TREAT to AUSTIN]
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New York July 30th 1836.- Saturday 12 oclk
Genl. S. F. Austin Texas: 1\ly Dear Sir:
I hand you enclosed the only leller I have for you, and avail of Col. Le.wis, who departs direct for Texas, to send you the same.- I have not had the pleasure lo receive a single line from you since we parted al Washington. Tho' I have seen your letter to Swartwout.- I have noticed you arrival al Velasco, and expected a letter from you by the Shenandoah.- I also find that Messrs Archer and Wharton, embarked, on board the Independence lo return home.- The latter drew on me for the $2,000 of the Loan and obtained the Cash for it, in N. Orleans.- We have no news from Texas except what is furnished us by the public Prints- Gen Mason was al Cincinnatli. 20th Inst. on his way to Detroit, and will probably be here, some lime next month, and return to Texas in the Fall-so at least I understand- The parties here, are daily expecting the answer to the proposed Loan, from your Govrnl.- If they do not accept the proposition for the remaining $90,000 as stipulated; It is thought here that the Govml. will be willing lo place the 10,000$ paid on the same footing as the New Orleans Loan- It was subscribed to by the friends of Texas exclusively- I wrote you in relation to it before and also about the Bread Subscription or donation, all which, no doubt you have ere this.- I trust your arrival home, will have been in time to render, valuable service lo the Cause and Country-for my own part, I have no apprehensions for the issue of the 2d Campaign (Should the Mexicans ever venture upon it) But you must keep up your Navy.- The Mexican Govmt have discovered that without a preponderating force on the Gulph, they can do nothing; and they will make every effort to obtain it. The next campaign therefore will be without doubt a naval one- Therefore, I think you had always do well Lo keep up your naval force- with this, you have nothing to fear.- I wrote Henry by this conveyance- He was last at the Springs in Virginia.- John and Archibald both well.- All your friends here well-and think of
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