We understand and with entire satisfaction and pleasure the people of Eastern Texas are determined to run Gen. Rusk, for President- I believe it will give entire satisfaction to all but a few hangers on about the mouth of the Brasos. We believe Gen. Rusk, to be sencible, honest and efficient- How have you gotten. I hope well Very Respeclfuly your obt. he. Sevt. Thos. J. Green. Brig Gen. Texas Army. [Addressed:] Majr. Gen. Sam. Houston Comander in Chief
of the Texas Army. At Nacogdoches. By Express. [3825] [HUSTON to RUSK)
Office of the Qr Mr Genl. Quintana July 30 1836
To Brig. Genl. Thos. J. Rusk Dear Sir,
I have ordered Qr Mr Lawrence to carry into effect your order to me thro' Col. Millard he is an efficient officer and will do all in his power to carry it into effect, he writes me as follows "Your dispatches of 26 & 27 inst have just come to hand, I shall proceed forthwith to fill the order as far as possible. We have but little more than a supply of Provisions at this post, having within the last few days freighted the San Jacinto & Durango & the St Bt Ocean in part the first to Coxe's point, also the Durango she is yet in port. I shall order her to deposit al Copano. As soon as I shall have made an effort I shall report to you the result. I have procured the assistance of Major Black who will cooperate with me with all dispatch. I have no doubt but Qr Mr Lawrence will procure the necessary lumber for the Boats he is now on his way up to Lynchburg for that purpose. Col. D B .l'vlacomb had been sent to take charge of the Mills al that place & put them in operation some time ago and there is no doubt in my mind but they are in operation before this time, if so, the lumber for the 50 Mackinaul Boats together with spikes & nails will be sent immediately. I have been ordered to take charge of the Commissary department, also that of the ordinance if it is the wish of the Comdg Gen] to have me do so. I wish you would fonvard to me a list of the officers in
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