will be commanded by an American Captn. and an ordinary merchant crew-all unarmed, there would of course be no resistance-to say nothing of the probability of their being but little disposition lo resist, even with competent means. l think we need care but litle about any risk of irregularity in the business,-since, altho' sailing tinder the American flag, the Vessell will not be American property, and consequently no American will be disposed lo make any complaint about it. If our Vessells could get to the waters near Vera Cruz by the 20th of September, it is certain they would be there in good time, and if by spending a few weeks in that service, they could indeed effect the object, I must say I think al least, that they could in no other way do so great a good to our cause. What I have written I submit of course with proper deference to the judgment of my Government. Little Versed as I am in such subjects I would only be considered as offering suggestions which I know run some risk of being of no value. The mere chance however of their being something of a different character will I think serve as my excuse for making them. After all it may be that some far better plan has been already thought of for the object in view. Nevertheless if 1 shall ascertain or think of any thing further on the subject which I shall think im1:iortant to be known I will not fail to communicate it immediately. That something effectual may be done in the matter, I anxiously hope; for I give it as my opinion, that these Vessells would be able to clear the gulph of the whole of our Navy. I enclose a Duplicate of the Communication made by Majr. Collinsworth and myself to the Government, on the 15th insl. This I do to meet the contingency of the Original having miscarried. Nearly all the Heads of Departments are al present absent from the city. As soon as ~lajr. Collinsworth arrives here, which will be in a day or two, we will depart for our respective temporary destinations Louisville and Nash ville.
I have the honor lo be Vcry respectfully Yr Obt Scrvt 1-lonble Wm H. Jack Secretary of Stale etc etc
PW. Grayson
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