to strengthen !he army for offensive rather than defensive operations. Let me hear from you soon. Yours respectfully. Gen S. Houston R. l\'I. Coleman [3823] [GRAYSON to JACKl Washington, [D. C.], July 30, 1836 Dr Sir, Leaving this place with ~lajr. Collinsworth a few days ago on a short trip to Philadelphia, and passing through Ilaltimore, we look pains to obtain all the information possible in regard to two brigs of War, we understood the i\lexican Government, by their Agent, were having built there, for immediate service in the gulf. I doubt not that through the late Commissioners, our Government has already received some account of these Vessclls; Genl Austin particularly when in Balto. having obtained informa• lion of them, from a person residing there, who was well acquainted with every thing, in regard to them. As he, however could only speak of their state of forwardness, at the Lime he left, which is now something upwards of two months ago, I consider it important (Majr. Collinsworth being at present absent at N York) without delay to communicate what I know of their present condition, with my conjecture as to lhe lime in which they will probably be completed. Having been, no later than yesterday, on board of one of them and but a few days before, seen the other, I am able of course lo give certain information with respect to them. The one I saw yesterday, deserves to be considered first, as she is in the greatest state of forwardness, and seems to be the one, that has been selected to be soonest fitted for sea. From what I was able to observe myself of her, and from the information I received from competent persons, I came to the conclusion that she would be ready lo sail between the 1st and 15th of September; in all probability not until lhe last mentioned date, and certainly not before the first mentioned. Both the Vessells are of the same size; about I l O feet long and made to carry, each Sixteen Guns and they Eighteen pounders. I would only say of them what will no doubt readily enough, Occur lo you, that they are very formidable Vcssells for our Navy; particularly as their construction is such as lo make them sail well; full as well as the Invincible and
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