July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Wedding of his Daughter Henrietta. Engaged since you was here. I think she was on here at Lhe Lime you was al her fathers and that you did noL sec her. she was I know very desirous to sec you and returned home in hopes lo see you al her fathers. she is very prclly and interesting. A very great favorite wiLh Lhe Gcnltemen. Our little daughter Maria Louise grows finely and to us daily more interesting and nol now so afraid of Strangers as when you was here..Mrs. Kip and Myself and Child Lhe only ones at home-Miss Grosvenor (is in] the Country-If present all would I know [cerlainj Iy uniLe in their kindest remembrances I have been thus particular for I can assure you we all take a lively inleresl in your welfare, and I beg you will omil no opporlunily when your lime will permit to let us hear from you- On the 15th Next-July-I paid William Dall your Due hill for five hundred DolJars, with Interest from May 2/35 to July 10/36 at the rate of 6%, making thirty five-DolJars 66/100 Int. Together $535 66/100. Say Five hundred and Thirty DoUar5, Si.xty six Cents. Which amounts I have placed to your debitor5 a/current. Jno. P. Austin (Addressed:] To Genl. Stephen F. Austin Texas Fav'r Col. Le,,;:; [3819] [MARTINEZ to PAJES] [F. Pizarro Martinez, New Orleans, to Bartolome Pajes. ~t'w Orleans, July 29, 1836, a letter of credence, stating that P,rjt•s ..is charged with a secret mission of the highest importance, for tht~ fulfilment of which it is indispensably necessary that he :5huuld freely enter and leave the ports of Texas, which by law are eh.1Sc:'d Lo foreign trade," and requesting all commanders of ~le:xit·an vessels Lo assist him.] [3820] [SOLDIERS Lo the PUBLICJ [Various Soldiers, Matamoros, Lo the Public, July ~t). rn:~h. defending Lhe part played by Urrca in the invasion of Texa:5.)

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