which are in lhe country to defend it. Consli tu le any man a soldier and let him so consider himself as long as an enemy remains lo his peace and liberty-concentrate your military stores taken [illegible l if necessary all vessals & Boals & means of every kind to defend lhe country-he who would object to the use of his property in defending the country let him be marked as enemy and lreated as such & then you have your Liberty secure. Bul 1 tell you once and again let lhe Army dissolve and disband either hy tacit or (illegible] of the Government or by neglect of means to keep it together & then you will invite your enemy back then you will be furlher from Liberty than in the beginning because your means will be scarcer. I tell you furlhermore and I do so with a heavy heart because it is a melancholy truth unless more & efficient means be used to keep it together il wiJl dissolve speedily to a nut shell. For the last ten days it has downed faster than a snowball before a [illegible] loss near one thousand men & then be it [illegible] settlers with wives children & homes lo defend have quit this Army and with them have taken & carried off all [illegible J
Thomas J. Green
(3818) [AUSTIN to AUSTIN]
New york July 29, 1836
.Mr Dear Cousin,
Col. Lewis tells me he leaves in the morning on his return, and offering to take lelters. I will not omit so good an opportunity to wrile. I only received yours from Ballimore advising of your being then on your way to Texas. Where we since learn, through the papers of your safe arrival, and should be pleased to hear from under your own hand of the State in which you find the affairs of· the Country. So Contradictory are the accounts that reach us. All however agree that Texas has More to fear from internal dissensions, or want of harmony than from the Mexicans. I however trust all will work right in the End- If we can Credit the accounts of late Very Cruz Packet, there is no truth in the late reported March of a Strong force against Texas. A Passenger States he saw a person just before sailing direct from the Mexican army at Matamoras-only Eleven days-left there-22d June, at which lime Urrea was still there. And said person gave it as his opinion that the Mexicans would not again Enter Texas.- One of Fannings Men Came passenger in above Packet.- Joseph H. Sophan, a native
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