July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

whether it be or not I herein do enter my protest against it as a weak narrow minded policy unworthy [of] our great & magnificent cause of battle. This [is a] legitimate & rightful course of differences of opinion between you & me but nevertheless it is poor weak human nature which makes you & me like each other the less for it-Independent of these reasons, I furthermore understand and am much grieved to hear that you have listened to the most foul & infamous slander of my official conduct since l left Velasco under your orders "about pumping norns [illegible] & c.c. to an enourmous amount not authorized in your orders." I pronounce these reports infamous & outragious lies in all these points & bearings and must ask at a proper time when the service of the country will justify it an honorable court of inquiry upon them-I say furthermore they have [consorted] with a (sett) of tories who would upon my route of 350 miles march hide out beef which they would sell for cash at l½ $ per pound-Enough of this, for the present it is truly a sickening subject at all times and more now than at any other when several hundred hungry men were looking to me for food & to be abused for feeding them with the strong arm of the law. The written law upon [illegible] when I at the same time say your other Armies and Navies & Government itself was feeding upon the bacon and other provision which P purchased with the money for which my property stands morgaged & subject to be sold on the 1st day of November next in Orleans. In Almighty Gods name when will this dirty system of personal destruction and defamation cease I do not think since my arrival in the country I have heard of a public functionary who has withstood the grossest abuse-Gen. F. Huston & myself came to this country without one square fool of soil in the country we have suffered much in doing so & then to be held up by a bunch of cowardly Tories now running from the Army [illegible] as highway robbers is a most enormous outrage. Upon this subject your Excellency ought to have some [illegible] & in the [illegible] of your servitude you ought to look to the group of these changes with much caution you cannot be unwise [illegible I against your personal character & high station much more serious charges are laid. Let us disown and discountenance such dirty work. Should we risk the salvation and very existence of the nation by pulling down and demolishing every man whose reputation is a lillle above his neighbors. Should this thing continue in Heavens name when will you be able soon to find any capable men who regard an honest reputation that will wish it before such an [illegible] What then is lo be done? The question is plain and sensible-Bring into immediate [illegible] the means



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