July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

lhe Cause in which we are engaged. Adieu, let me hear from you when convenient.

Yours sincerely David Macomb


Head Quarters upon the Colello July 28Lh 1836

To His Excellency David & Burnet Presidenl of the Republic of Texas Sir:

I embrace the opportunity in the hurry & hustle of the camp to write you upon several subjects which concerns virtually lhe existance not only of the Army but consequently thal of our nationality yea our individual liberly-In doing which I musl in the [illegible] of my heart disavow any [illegiblej Liberation of this unforlunale and dislressed country is all I [illegible] this I hope to see accomplished & I believe it can be accomplished for we have the means in our own hand if they be applied with that design of energy which the time & circumstances of the country demand. With these remarks I am brought to a position [illegible]-I know not how to proceed for I know thal any aim & opinion's which I may here publish to your Governmenl will be [illegible] I occupy thal design of confidence which my statute entitles me. I have good reason lo believe with a portion of the present Governmenl I am no favorile. Among lhese lheir reasons for this belief I split with the Cabinet upon a matter of policy which I believed would do more lo destroy the liberly of Texas Lhan the loss of a dozen of pitched Battles, the Liberation of Santa Anna-I furthermore split with a portion of the Cabinet in their abuse of the brave volunteers from the United Stales in their approbation of disbanding a large number of the men lately upon their march to the rescue of Texas. I qualify the last remark by saying Gen. F. Huston & myself have received numerous letters from the U.S. staling Lhe fact that your agents in Orleans had disbanded & prevenled from coming to Texas many hundred volunteers by saying lhe War was al an end, "That Santa Anna had trealed with the Cabinet" thal also there writing brings informalion that your lallesl commission lo lhe U.S. had also made Lhese statements & turned back many soldiers! It is fair then Lo presume thal lhis was the wish and orders of the Government and


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