July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Genl Filisola is Summoned to ~lexico lo stand his trial by Court l\larshal, for having obeyed Santa Anna orders when ~ prisoner, evacuating Texas- There are about 4000 men Mexicans, strong in ~lalamoros, but in Such a wreched Condition that they will nol be able lo undertake the Campaign against Texas before 2 or 3 months- Col. Uaarlechea is in Commission by Urrea to arrange C • the Camp between Reynosa and Matamoros Where the Body guard of the chiefs is encamped about 30 or 40 l\:len.- Captn. Teal has been retaken by a Corporal and 4 Men, after his leaving Matamoros with Genl. Urreas passport, he having "lihrado ordenes Secrelas," as usual and brought back and placed in Close Confinement.- My Correspondent Says as his Opinion is they (foreigners) will have to lake shortly french leave from the Country.- Col. Cuevilas is al the Brazos, and in favor of " 1824." "Tuspan" ready lo give a Grito and Second the one given in "Orizaba"- The pamplel "Santa Anna's trial" printed in Mexico came via lhal port to a friend of my through a respectable house, I saw the Print and accompanying letter.- See translations in english and french in the accompanying "Bee" of to day-it shall follow in the "Correo Atlantico."- The letter from Tornell lo Filisola, see "Bee" of 26th inst. Came also through the same Channcl- "Vera Cruz" is pronounced for "24" and Genl Quintamar with about 200 Veterans besieged in the Convent of Santo Domingo. Perole is about going lo giving a "grito," and "Puebla" lo follow. Dr. Cosme Furlong ex Governor of that Stale is al the head.-Genl Mani. Rincon is the actual Governor and Commandle. Gral of lhal State.- The exiled l\lexicans here have Made a Movement.- Doct Portes is gone lo Tampico Col. Montero and Capt. Pinzon to Vera Cruz.- Col Felipe Camara to Yucalan-1\ilexia and Peraza are yet here and only waiting for orders, and gelling every thing ready,-but I am Confident he will not gel at the helm, for M. and him do nol g. well.- Mexia assured me this morning yet that Should he gel al the head of the Military, he will not war against Texas, and in the Counsels of the Nation he will be for recognizing it as an independent Nation.- Viesca and Irala are gone to Cincinnati a few days Since.- No more News-old Story again; I am of opinion the President of the U.S. States will shortly recognize the Independence of Texas in which Case you


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