it clone - Mr Graysons land being next to this will he a good guide in ascertaining its position, as no doubt he is loo much a man of business to leave it in uncertainly - I am well acquainted in the Southern States generally and as soon as matters are settled in Texas, can dispose of the Ian cl to Planters in So Carolina, Georgia or Alabama - Mr Grayson tells me that he was at your House the beginning of last month and that you were all well - my family are also well enough lo travel and we are preparing to go out of Town for a few weeks-
I remain Dear Sir Yours truly George D Blaikie
[Addressed: 1 l\'lr James F Perry near Brazoria Texas -
[3814) [COCHRAN to MORGAN]
[Dr. Richard Cochran, Anahuac, to James Morgan, Galveston, July 28, 1836, about returning lo Galveston to treat sick and wounded soldiers.]
[3815) [FISHER to AUSTIN)
pr Passaic
New Orleans 28 July 1836
Genl. S. F. Austin Texas Dr Sir
I embrace this opportunity to Convey you the latest news from Mexico Via the different Ports. From l\'latamoras a particular friend of mine (American) writes me that V. Fernandez is about giving a grito for the Constitution of 24.- Col. Franco Garray was sent via Vera Cruz by water, (Chartering a Vessel to that effect) lo Mexico to concentrate the plan, and accelerate the business Genl. Gomez Pedraza lo be placed at the head of the Administration.- Six Cherokee Chiefs were in negotiation, with their Interpreters, with Genl. Urrea, lo war against Texas, the land and Cattle of the Texians was promised them in Case of success,-Govmt issued an order to take Santa Anna prisoner and lo be lryed as a Traitor,
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