July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

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4163. United States and Mexico ••. (Wash., 25th Cong. 2nd Sess. HE D 3,1 1838), 819, • • ' • • V • 4164. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 4165. Writings of Sam HoU$ton, IV, 25. 4166. Barker, The Austin Papers, III, 430. 4167. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4168. Writings of Sam HoU$tOn, I, 446. 4169. Message from the President ... (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., S.D. 1, 18361 78-79. . 4170. Consular Papers. Tx. 4171. Texana, II, 217. 4172. Mexico and TexlU ... (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 105, 18371, 35-36. 4173. Message from the President ... (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., S.D. 1, 1836), 65-66. 41:4. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 417 5. Message ... Relative to the "Political, Military, and Civil Condition of Texa.," (Wash.. 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., S.D. 20, 1836), 18-23. 4176. Comptrollers Military Service Records. Tx. 4177. Gorostiza Pamphlet: MesHge from the President ... (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 190, 1838), 104-105. 4178. Message .. . Relative to the "Political, i\llilitary, and Civil Condition of Texas" I Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., S.D. 20, 1836), 23-24. 4179. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 4180. Treasw-y Papers. Tx. 4185. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4186. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4187. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4188. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4189. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4190. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4191. Message from the President ... (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., S.D. I, 1836), 74-77. ,,. ., 4 l 92. Message . .. Relative to the "Political, Military, and Cit-ii Condition of • exa., (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., S.D. 20, 18361, 25-27. 4193. Public Printing Papers. Tx. 4194. Copy to Financial Affairs Papers. Tx. 4181. Daily Journal (l.-Ouisville, Ky.), September 15, 1836. 4 l 82. Broadsheet. CtY. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas. #916. 4183. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 4184. Comptrollers Military Service Records. Tx. 4195. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 4196. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 4197. Copy in Consular Papers. Tx. 4198. Executive Record Books. Tx. 4199. Executive Record Books. Tx. A drawing of the buttons accompanies the letter. 4200. Telegraph and Texas Register, September 13, 1836.

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4201. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 4202. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 4203. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 4204. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 4205. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 4206. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A.

.. 4207. Message . .. Relative to the "Political, Military, and Civil Condition of Te:ra., (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., S.D. 20, 18361. 28-33. 4208. Public Printing Papers. Tx. 4209. Executive Record Books. Tx. Mn-s is Matamoros. 4210. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx.

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