July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


to the enlislmenl of volunleers for Texas, in which General D~nlap is now engaged in the State of Tennessee, not only bore in mmd the recent notice lo which he alluded al that time, hut also recollected that he had not long before read a letter from General Houston lo the said Dunlap, which undouhtedly referred to the same enlistment, and which, al least, left no doubt as to the Texan relations existing between the two Generals. This letter was published in the Commercial Advertiser of New Orleans, of July 6th; it was copied in all the papers of the Union, and has been disavowed by none. The undersigned is indeed well aware that many statements daily appear in the public prints which are so entirely without foundation that the Department of Stale cannot notice them; but the Secretary of Stale must, on his part, also know thal there are so many places in the United Stales in which the friends of Texas are now infringing the laws, to the injury of Mexico, that the undersigned cannot possibly keep agents in each of them for the purpose of denouncing such persons lo the respective authorities; and that, consequently, the undersigned cannot neglect the slight accounts which he receives from the press, without running the risk of failing in the performance of one of his principal duties. The Department of Stale may hereafter determine with greater probability of assurance, whether the undersigned has or has not cause for alarm, and may also at present act according lo its own conviction and conscience. The undersigned avails himself of this opportunity to renew to the honorable Secretary of Stale the assurances of his most distinguished consideration. M. E. de Gorosliza. [4245) [RUSK Lo ALLBRIGHT) Head Quarters on the LaBaca Sept. 23d, 1836 !\fr. Alexander Allbright with arms has permission to pass to the eastern part of Texas free from molestation or hindcrence. Lysander Wells By Order of Aid de Camp Thos. J. Rusk & Lt. Col. of Cavalry Brig Gen. Comg.

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