July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

General Gaines lo remain on the Mexican territory, offering to guaranty that the fact of any movement of the Indians being solicited by l\'lexico or Mexicans was false, insisted upon an answer to his letter inquiring whether General Gaines's troops were on Mexican territory, and protested that their remaining would impose upon him the painful duty of withdrawing from his mission, and returning to his Government. Mr. Gorostiza did not deny the right of the United States, if the facts were true, to take upon itself the defence of its frontiers, and to advance upon Mexico, who would, in that case, have been false to her obligations under the law of nations and to her treaty stipulations. I reminded Mr. Gorostiza that, on the principle involved, there was no dispute between the two Governments; the only question was one of fact, which a short time would solve; and he would have perceived, by the orders of the President, that the troops of the United States would be withdrawn, whenever the truth was ascertained, if he was correct in his belief. Mr. Gorostiza proposed to direct, himself, to General Urrea, a representation of what he had said on this subject, and to abide by his answer, _relying upon his positive denial of the truth of the charge against the .Mexicans; and that he would give assurance that Indian intervention in the war, or hostility to the United States, had not only not been, but would not be, in any event, sought for or permitted, in violation of the treaty with the United States. The interview concluded by-my requesting Mr. Gorostiza to acquaint his Government with the information he had just received from me. As to his proposition of reference to General Urrea, I could only reply to it, after having seen the President, who would return to the city in a few days. John Forsyth. Having examined the aboved, at the request .of the Secretary of State, I find it substantially correct. .M. E. De Gorostiza. [4244] [GOROSTIZA to FORSYTH] Legation Extraordinary of Mexico, Washington, September 23, 1836. The undersigned, when he called the attention of the honorable John Forsyth, Secretary of State of these United Stales,


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