your place we feel confident will he ahie lo effeel sales of the Scrip in N. York & Philacla & forward supplies to this place, which we shall as soon as arrived here forward to you- We have placed in charge of Capt Moore of the Shenand?ah, a Box containing 500 certificates Scrip 640 acres ea for the signature of your self & cabinet. This may sell much more readily than that under the writers signature- The Liberty is under seizure by those who have furnished her with supplies & repairs, and she would not sell for more (if th_at) than $2,500- we must have vessels by some means to cope With the Mexican Brigs mentioned in the previous part of this letter. We shall write to Mr. Williams at Baltimore lo make arrangements if Possible for the purchase of one. It appears the U.S. Ship Concord has proceeded to Vera Cruz with dispatches from the Govt lo S. lo l\Iexico. We can only surmise the object. The Invincible has been taken into Pensacola by the U.S. Ship Briton for what particular cause we have not yet been able to ascertain.
Yours Respectfully Thomas Toby & Bro
Department of State, Washington, September 23, 1836. In compliance with the instructions of the President, I had this morning an interview with Mr. Gorosliza, and read him General Santa Anna's letter lo the President, and the reply. I also informed Mr. Gorostiza that it appeared by letters to General Gaines, from one of the sabaltern officers, that some of the troops of the United States were at Nacogdoches. I read to Mr. Gorostiza portions of the President's letters lo General Gaines of the 4th September, which related to apprehended Indian disturbances in that quarter, and his express directions to that officer not to advance into Mexican territory, and, if occupying it, to retire, unless Indian hostility had actually begun, or he had undoubted evidence that il was intended, and preparations were making for it. Mr. Gorostiza denied, most explicitly, the pos.sibility of such intention on the part of the Indians, as anticipated or desired by Mexico. He protested against the discretionary authority given to
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