July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

sick ~i~t added to the violent opposition manifested by many of the c1t1zens were obstacles which could not be surmounted. I have the pleasure of informing you that Gaines & Leal have made their escape from .Matlamoras and have just arrived in Camp they bring the intelligence that Urrea has been superceded and Genl. [illegible] appointed Com. in Chief & Gen[ Valencia Second in Command both of whom are saicl to be on their way to Mattamoras with small detachments of men there are two thousand troops at Mattamoras some of them [illegible] men has left there I will in a clay or two give you more full information. The orders which you have issued shall so soon as I am able be promptly & strictly obeyed Col. Turner has arrived & I yesterday issued an order to carry the order of the President into effect relative to Col. Millard & Col. Turner I have no doubt it was promptly executed yesterday but I have not since sending it heard from the army- I am glad you propose to take the express matter into your hands & have issued an order disbanding them they have made rather a bad business of it I am Sir with great respect your obedient Servant Thomas J. Rusk [4242J [TOBY to BURNET]

New Orleans September 22, 1836

To his Excellency D. G. Burnett President of the Republic of Texas Sir,

Our last was by the Schooner Flash conveying Bill Lading sundry· by her, which we hope has reached you in safety. The small order for your own acct was executed & shipt by her. The Mexican Brig 4 July sailed from Baltimore 23 July and we fear has reached her port of destination without molestation-This is almost a death blow to our trade, for if she is well manned with the order of the Independence to leave Baltimore al or about this time they will be enabled to Blockade all the ports of Texas. They are represented as follows. "They are the most splendid vessels of this class, and from their superior length, size & modi might greatly outsail the invincible or any other Texian Schooner. They will draw every


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