$10,000 McKinney & Williams Dated Velasco 3rd Sept 1836 payable 1st Mar 1842
5,000 Warren D. C. Hall Date Brazoria 7 5,000 Williams S Hall Dated Brazoria 7 5,000 Handy & Lusk Date Brazoria 8 10,000 Monroe Edwards Date Brazoria 8 I 0,000 Walter C. White & Co Dated Columbia 8 5,000 Thomas H. Bordon Dated Columbia 9 10,000 John D. Patton Dated Columbia 9 5,000 G. & T. Borden Dated Columbia 9 5,000 Josiah H. Bell Dated Columbia 9 5,000 Nathaniel Townsend Dated Columbia 9 5,000 Warren D. C. Hall Dated Columbia 10 10,000 William H. Wharton Dated Columbia 10 5,000 Charles Donoho Dated Pleasant Hill 14 5,000 William G Hill Dated Columbia 19 5,000 James F. Perry Dated Peach Point 20 5,000 John A Wharton Dated Velasco 22 5,000 Branch T Archer Dated Velasco 22 5,000 James Morgan Dated Velasco 22 $120,000 Velasco 22 Sept 1836
David G Burnet
(4240] [BURNET to TOBY]
Executive Department Velasco 22nd September 1836
To Thomas Toby Esq Texas Agent, Sir
You will please furnish lo Col. James Morgan land Script
of this Government for one hundred thousand acres.
Col. Morgan will conduct his operations principally in New
Your Obt Servl David G Burnet
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