July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[4239) [BURNET to TOBY J

Executive Department Velasco 22 Sept 1836

To l\'lessrs T. Toby & Brother Gentn.

I herewith transmit to you nineteen several bonds executed by patriotic individuals of this country and amounting in the aggregate to one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The object of this issue is to increase the financial resources of this Government, and I entertain a hope that you will be able lo negociate them ,vjthou difficulty or delay. You will observe they are endorsed in blank. The rate of interest is left blank in the hopes that you will be able to dispose of them at a lower per centum than we should affix. You are fully authorized to negociate and transfer these bonds, on the best terms that you can obtain; but should you find it impracticable to convert them without an unreasonable alJowance of interest, you will inform me of the fact and await further instructions. More than 10 per cent would be thought unreasonable, and I am strongly of opinion that a less rate of interest than 10 per centum could be secured. The requisition that will he presented to you by Col Huston, the Qr. Master General, will absorb a large proportion of the fund contemplated to be raised on these bonds. The emergencies of the Country will in a short time be very pressing and unless they are anticipated, disastrous consequences may ensue. I calculate with entire confidence on your zealous exertions in this matter and I doubt not you usual diligence and zeal will be exerted in perfecting the negociation of the bonds committed to your charge Your Obt Servant David G Burnet A schedule of the Bonds given lo David G Burnet, President of the Republic of Texas, his successors and assigns and transmitted to T. Toby & Brother for negotiation


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