July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

to remain for the space of lwo weeks Lhal he might regain strength sufficient to complete his journey to the Springs. Since his arrival he has considerably improved and his disease is gradually yielding to medical treatment and hopes are entertained by his physician and friends that he will be able to return to his adopted country in the fall helter fitted to join in her struggles for liberty and independence. The reason of my remaining with Col. B. for so long a time can be stated in a few words. It has been my intention for to accompany him to Texas and finding him so much reduced and so totally unable to attend to his own affairs in a physical point of view that I could not consistent with a sense of duty separate myself from him until such time as he should be better to manage his own affairs.

S. Blackmar

[3813) [BLAlKIE to PERRY]

Philacla. 28th. July 1836

Mr James F Perry Dear Sir

As I shall be gone to New York and the Eastward for some time I again trouble you with a few lines previous to my departure. I hope soon to hear from you as G. Blossman & Co. wrote me that my letters were forwarded - I was introduced to Mr. P. Grayson here a few days since by Mr Wallace of New Orleans, and in the course of conversation asked Mr G. if he knew a Mr Patrick Green - he said he did, and that Mr Green owned a League of land immediately below his on Crancaway Creek - and that the land there was good - So far this is satisfactory in shewing that I have not been imposed on - I did not think proper to tell .Mr Grayson that I had purchased Greens land as it could do no good, and the difficulty existing about foreign ownership - I see that a crisis again awaits your new Republic - but if the Mexicans advance to the attack I can only suppose a great deafeat as the result. The administration of the U.S. it is well understood is favourably inclined and so in Congress - . Of Texas maintaining its indepen- dence of Mexico I have not the smallest doubt, but that it can be permanently settled & cultivated while at War with Mexico is doubtful, and even the idea of a separate nation of Americans adjoining the U States would seem to me attended with insur-


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