(4232] [BURNET to TOBY]
Executive Department Velasco 2 l. Sept. 1836.
To Thomas Toby Esqr. Texas Auent I:> Sir
Colonel William P. Miller goes to the United Stales with a view to raise a body of emigrants for our new Country and we are desirous of rendering him every facility in doing so. You will please furnish to Col. Miller Script for land of this Government, to the amount of Six thousand Acres: and should Col. Miller make a further requisition upon you in the progress of his operations, you will please furnish him with four thousand acres more of Script on acct of the Government
Your Oht. Sevt David G. Burnet
[4233] [HAWKINS to WRIGHT]
Velasco Sept 21st 1836
F. B. Wright Esqr. Texian Navy Dear Sir,
I lake pleasure in informing you that the communication of the Officers of the Independence has given much satisfaction to the Government, and the President has replied to it by leller, the contents of which I am unacquainted with. You are going lo New Orleans for Provisions, & I sincerely & anxiously hope that you and your brother officers will so comport yourselves during your absence on duty, as to return me the vessel in first rate order & discipline. I remain to go to Congress to watch & guard the interests of the Navy with a jealous eye. Wishing you a quick & pleasant trip. · I remain Your Friend & Obt Svl Chas E. Hawkins
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