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recognition of the independence of Texas, it is not to be expected that it should be made a prerequisite to the mere exercise of hospitality implied by the admission of the vessels of that country into our ports. The declaration of neutrality made by the President in regard to the existing contest between Mexico and Texas, was not intended to be confined to the limits of that province, or of "the theatre of war," within which it was hardly to be presumed that any collision would occur, or any question on the subject arise; but it was designed to extend every where, and to include as well the United States and their ports as the territories of the conflicting parties. The exclusion of the vessels of Texas while those of Mexico are admittecl, is not deemed compatible with the strict neutrality which it is the desire and the determination of this Government to observe in respect lo the present contest between those counlTies; nor is it thought necessary to scrutinize the character or authority of the flag under which they may sail, or the validity of the commission under which they may be commanded, when the rights of this country and its citizens are respected and observed. In this frank expression of the views and policy of the United States in regard to a matter of so much interest as the war now waging between Mexico and its revolted province, it is hoped that new evidence will be perceived, not only of the consistency and impartiality of this Government in its relations with foreign countries, but of the sincere desire which is entertained, by such an exposition of its course, to cherish and perpetuate that friendly feeling, which will see in the scrupulous regard that is paid to the rights of others, and even of rival parties, one of the surest guarantees that its own will continue to be respected. The undersigned avails himself of this opportunity lo renew to Mr. Gorostiza the assurance of his distinguished consideration. John Forsyth. His Excellency Senor Don M. Eduardo de Gorostiza, &c.
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