Blue Sulphur Springs, Green Briar Co. Va. July 28th, 1836.
To his Excy David G. Burnet, Prest. of Texas. Hon. Sir:
My friend Col. D. C. Barrell being unable in consequence of indisposition lo write in person has chosen me to address this article lo your Excellency which I trust will prove a sufficient excuse for the liberty that I take in the present instance. The State of Col. B.'s health is still precarious noh,~thslanding he has considerably improved since his arrival at this place as you will learn by the certificate of his attending physician accompanying this letter. I have been with Col. B. the greatest portion of the time since his arrival in N. Orleans in the month of April last. On his arrival in that city he placed himself under the care of Doctor Luzenburgh where he soon became satisfied that a longer time was necessary to enable him to return to Texas than was granted by his furlough. On the 29th day of April he addressed a letter to your Excellency praying for an extension of furlough or the acceptance of his resignation an answer to which he has not as yet received. Your recent proclamation concerning the return of absent officers has called his attention particularly to the subject at this time and rendered him anxious in a peculiar manner to know in what manner his petition was received. As far as I am able to judge concerning Col. B. 's feelings his greatest anxiety is for the success and wellbeing of Texas (that of his own family not excepted) but since the 5th day of April last the time when I met him at the mouth of the Mississippi on his· return from Texas, his return has been morally impossible and had he been there he could have been of no earthly advantage to the cause for al the lime of his leaving N. Orleans for the Springs on the 22nd of May, he was hardly able to walk to the Steam Boal when he was confined to his State Room most of the time during the passage and on his arrival al Cincinnati he was obliged lo be lifted into the carriage by the help of two men. He was compelled
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