July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[4229] [BURNET to TOBY]

Executive Department Velasco 20 Sept 1836

To Thomas Toby Esq Sir

This will be handed you by Colonel L. P. Cook of our service. Col Cook goes to the United States for the purpose of adding to our military force. The scene of his operations will be in the western states. You ,viii please furnish to Col Cook Script for land, on account of this Government, to the amount of six thousand acres (6,000), which he will probably be able to dispose of with convemence. You will please commit to Col. Cook Script for three thousand acres (3,000) of land to be conveyed by him to Lieut. Col. Grooms, and also for other three thousand acres (3,000) to be delivered Major H. R. A. Wigginton. Those Gentlemen belong lo the Regiment to be raised by Col Cook and will cooperate ,vith him, in rendering us this important aid. I pray you will render to Col Cook and his coadjutors now and hereafter every facility in your power. We must have a more permanent army than we have hitherto had. Volunteers, for a few months only, are but leeches on the body politic. They exhaust our resources and render us no equivalent. We want no more for a less term than one year or during the war.

Your Oht Servt David G Burnet

[4230] [BURNET to PEOPLE]


No. 3.

The condition of Texas at the close of the spring campaign, which terminated in the victory of San Jacinto, was replete with interest. A large proportion of the population, from the Nueces to the Sabine, had abandoned their homes; and many of them in


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