[4227) [BURNET lo TOBY]
Executive Department Velasco 20. Sept. 1836
Messrs. T. Toby & Brother Gent:
Capt Wheelwright of the Schooner Independence will proceed with his Purser lo your City to produce some necessaries preparatory to a cruize. You will please render to Capt Wheelwright every possible facility and dispatch him with all speed. His return here will be anxiously expected
I· I
Your Ohl. Sevl David G. Burnet
[4228) [BURNET to TOBY]
Executive Department Velasco 20. Sept. 1836
To Thomas Toby Esqr Sir
Col. Charles P. Green visits the United States on business
of considerable interest to this Republic.
His intention is to introduce a goodly number of emigrants and to aid him in doing so the Government have agreed to furnish him some assistance. You will therefore please furnish lo Col. Green land Script of this Government to the amount of ten thousand acres (10,000) taking his receipt for the same, and requiring of him not lo dispose of it for less than the minimum price of 50 cents per acre. Your Ohl Sevt Davie! G. Burnet
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