(4223] [HOUSTON lo JEWEL]
Nacogdoches Texas Scpl 18, 1836
Capl George W. Jewel Sir
Hearing that y_ou are al St. Agustine with a Company of volunteers for tl~e service of :exas. 1 have lo inform you that if you advance lo this place Wilh your command you will find employment _and a special ~uly to perform, in case of your inabilily lo comply with the forego111g, lhe arms of your company \\~II be of signal service at the present time.
Your Obt Servt (signed) Sam Houston Conn in Chief
A True Copy Nathl Armory Secy
[Frances B. Wright and officers of lhe Texas Schooner Independence to David G. Burnet, ca. September 18, 1836, declaring their disapproval of the conduct of the commanders of the schooners Brutus and Invincible and declaring their patriolism. J [4225] [MONASTERIO to ELLIS] Palace of the National Government, Mexico, September 19, 1836. The undersigned, acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, has received orders from his excellency the President ad interim lo inform the honorable Mr. Ellis thal the soi-disant Government of Texas has recenlly issued a proclamation, declaring the port of Matamoras in a slate of blockade, of which documenl he has the honor to enclose herewith a copy; and lo inform him, at the same time, that, as the Government of the Mexican republic docs not and cannot recognize any act whatever on the part of those rebelled and revolted colonists, it solemnly protests al!ainst the
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