July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[4220) [BURNET to TOBY)

Executive Department Velasco 18th September 1836

To Thomas Toby Esq. T. Toby & Brothers Texas Agents Genlm.

Our Quarter Master General, Col. A. Huston, proceeds to New Orleans on business connected with his department. His visit is induced by the urgency of circumstances and I trust you will make a corresponding effort to render it effective. Col. Houston will require funds to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, (100,000), and it is the wish of this Government that all available means be employed lo accomplish his wants. You are therefore fully authorized to employ all the means in your control for this purpose, and should Col. Huston be able to dispose of any Scrip for land, you are required lo furnish him with such quantity as he can convert to the purpose of his visit. And you are further authorized to pay to Col. Houston any amount of funds within your command, not exceeding the same before mentioned.

Your Obedient Servant David G. Burnet



To Lieut. Frances B Wright and others Officers of the Texian Sehr Independence Gentn

I had the pleasure this morning to receive your communications, expressing your disapprobation of the conduct of the respective commandants of the Schrs Brutus and Invincible and declaring the devotion of the officers of the Independence Lo the country whose cause you have espoused- I fuUy participate with you, gentlemen, in the confidence you possess in the Commander in Chief of the navy, and I en lcrtain no apprehensions of a dereliction of duty on his part or on that of


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