You will take pains regularly lo drill not only your own command hut the Civic .Militia and the Civic ~lilitia when brought into the field will be under your command. You will make monthly returns of the recruits and of Lhe recruiting party accompanied wilh a copy of the enlistment of each recruit during the lasl month you will also forward muster and descriptive rolls of every company under your command when you shall have organized your command and forwarded your muster and descriptive Rolls you will make the necessary rcquisi Lions on the Quarter fllasler General for clothing provisions arms ammunitions &c &c You will at all Limes keep out scouting partys as far Wcsl as the Rio Bravo Del Norte and all information of importance that they may obtain, you will convey with the utmosl expedition lo this Department and to Lhe Head Quarters of the army You are authorized Lo receive as many Volunteers as will offer themselves and proceed as far West as you may consider safe observing the condition of the enemy harassing them and hringing off as many Mules Horses & Callie as you can ohlain of the result of Lhese expeditions you will always make an immdeiate reporl You will ever bear in mind that the Commanche Indians are friendly disposed towards us you will therefore endeavor lo conciliate and by all means to avoid collision with them should you fall in with any of this tribe you will inform them that we have sent an agent to talk with them & thal we desire their friendship You are also empowered Lo arrest try and punish all malefactors & suspicious person (by court ~lartial) provided thal such punishment does not exlend Lo loss of life or limb You are authorized Lo employ an interpreter and requested lo make your reports in the English language. . By order of the President John A Wharton Secy. War
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