July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[4216) [HOUSTON lo LACY]

Nacogdoches Texas Sept 17, 1836.

Martin Lacy Esqr

. Sir: You will lake possession of the Naches Saline, which 1s under the con_trol of the Government, and use for the present, any property wluch may be necessary appertaining lo the work You will work it to the best advanlacre " You will sell your salt, as low as you can afford lo those who buy it for consumption. You will pay lo the Bowl six bushels per month You will by no means allow the importation of liquors of any kind, nor the sale of them al that point under penalty of Five hundred Dollars for each Offence You will have to trade with the Indians in all things, except liquors and lead You shall retain possession of the works until further orders, from the Government. You shall have the works for two years unless otherwise ordered by the Congress of Texas, and should you at any time be removed from the works, you shaU be allowed a just compensation for any injury which may accrue to you by your removal Sam Houston Comr in Chief (4217) [LAWRENCE to CHAMBERS] Cincinnati, September 17th, 1836. Dear Sir.-As recrards your inquiries of me respecting the discipline of the army of Texas, I take pleasure in slating, that, as far as I am acquainted. (having done duty for several weeks at Galveston Island.) the army is under the same discipline as that of the U. States-there being a regular roll call of each company and a regular guard mounted for camp duty daily as in all camps of the U. States-and reports of the same made to the Con~mandant of t_hc Post. I was still at Galveston Island, when Captam Postlethwaite arrived there with the Kentucky volunteers, and neither he nor Col. Wilson went to the west where the main army was, during their stay in Texas. Respectfully, you ob't. servant, To General T. Jeff. Chambers. G. F. Lawrence, Captain Texian Army.


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