July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[4213) [BURNET to STILES]

Executive Department Velasco 17. Sept. 1836

To CapL. George Stiles Sir

It is possible that during your contemplated visit lo Baltimore, you may find Gentlemen and philanthropists whose sympathies for their kindred in this land of strife will constrain them Lo contribute of their substance lo the successful issue of the contest in which we are engaged-It is a contest of light with darkness: of reason with superstition; of liberty with despotism. Should any such Opportunity present itself, you are hereby fully authorized in the name and behalf of Texas, lo receive such contributions and to tender to the generous donors the cordial thanks of your adopted country

Your Obt. Sevt David G. Burnet.

[4214) [BURNET to TOBY]

Executive Department Velasco 17. Sept. 1836

Messrs. T. Toby & Brother Texas Agents Gent-

Capt George Stiles goes to your city on his way to Baltimore at which place he contemplates raising a party of emigrants for this country. Capt Stiles wiU require some pecuniary assistance in the equipping & transporting of his party-you will therefore .be pleased to instruct your agent in Baltimore to render to Capt Sllles such aid as his success in the enterprise may make necessary to him-He will probably want from two to three thousand dollars. It is likely Capt Stiles will be enabled to render some assistance to you agent in disposing of scrip-you will please direct you agents att~ntion to this point Your 01,t Sevt David G. Burnet. P. S. Should Capt Stiles need any assistance in getting to Baltimore you will please aid him in that respect.


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