July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

ConsequcnUy yours lo the chief is yet in my hands. Capt. Coslcy's Co. is situated as follows 10 at this place 13 at the saline east of the Naches the balence has not ycl been ordered out though the Capt says they will be out probably by next Sunday wcek,-1 nead not say to you that this is a loose way of doing business-though the Capt. says the men that are gone to the saline are all on foot and expect there to trade for Indian Horses to ride. The Indians have been committing some depredations in the horse stealing way since I saw you. i\lr. i\lcLeane has lost 6 head Mr Robertsons horses were stolen though he was fast enough to overtake them & succeeded in gelling them again and shot at one of the Indians that had stolen them though, as far as we know, without effect. I Recd an order today from Capt Clap to be al his house together with as many men as would volunteer their services for 10 days provision & 100 rounds of amunilion he slates his expedition to be against the Jonie Indians for offences committed lately. The people generally believe that the Ionic Indians intend war-though they are determined to adhere rigidly to your orders and look to you for protection in case of an invasion and should officers act imprudently & trust that those who are disposed to act correctly will not be made to Stiffer on account of what they could not prevent. Concerning the commissaries duty the people who have provisions plenty to spare demand just double the common selling prices in such cases what must be <lone. Un till I get an answer I shall furnish the co. out of my own private fund believing it not right to pay such enormous prices. The common price of Beef is 2½ cts. I have proposed to give 3 els per lb. Corn is worth from 75 els to I Dollar per Bushel cash double those prices are demanded of the covernmenl. Direct me what to do and your orders shall rigidly be observed.

I have the Honor to be verry respeclully Sir your obedient servant, Geo. W. Browning

To the Com. in Chief Nacogdoches Texas


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