July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[4211] [HOUSTON to CLAPP)

Nacogdoches Texas 16 Sep 1836

Capt. Elisha Clapp Sir

The Certificate of your election and muster rolls ha\'e been recei~ed. You will range from any point on the Brazos to Mr. Hall's Tradmg House on the Trinity, for your orders I refer you lo copies of those given to Capt ~lichael Cosley of the N.W. Frontier herewith enclosed for your information. The general principles of them you will find applicable to your command as well as to all officers employed on the Frontier. You will detail eight men, from your command, for the service and place al the disposition of Dan Parker Esq., as the local situation of the frontier may require; you will in future report the condilion of your Company and command at Columbia until further orders. I expect the strictest obedience lo the instructions which you shall receive accompanying this order. Great subordination and watchfulnes.s is necessary in the present situation of the Country. There is nothina in this order intended to countermand the order given to Col. Robbins [?]. signed Sam Houston A True Copy Comr in Chief Nathl Amory Secy [4212) [ BROWNING to HOUSTON]

Al Mr. Murchisons 17th Sept 1836

To the Com in Chief Sir,

In pursuance of your order I left Nacogdoches on the morning of the 13 Inst. in quest of Capt. Cosley, but the absence of Ferryman at the Naches prevented my seeing him that night. I went on the 15th to the Jonie village to see if I could find Chickasaw Jim or some Ionie Indian that I could send for the chief lo meet me but found the villaae entirely evacuated. I desired that ' 0 Capt Cosley should send a file of six, 8, or 10 men as a Life gunrd to go with me to the neighborhood where the Indians were encamped & I would send an Indian lo the chief, which guard was refused lilt'.


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