Foreign policy, the conventional faith of nations, or the efforts of Mexico, may detain Texas lingering in her embryo slate for many years; but the fertility of her soil, the remoteness of her situation, which affords an asylum from the angry objects that often agitate the northern and southern parts of our country, and, above all, the current of emigration which, through the whole west, looks like the advent of the oppressed of all nations seeking to build up free altars in a new hemisphere, must disenthral her hy a moral force which no power nor potentates can resist.
I have the honor to he, Your obedient servant, Henry M. Morfit.
To the Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of State
Columbia 16th Sep 1836
Dear Sir
Your statement No 3 by the hands of Capt Erastus Smith reached us this morning, and will appear in our next No. We would wish to receive those documents for insertion as early as possible and hope it will be convenient, for you to send us No 4 by Wednesday at farthest. By this conveyance (Steam Boat Yellow Stone) we had the honor to address you with sundry papers, which trust will arrive safe. The Subscriber was sick at the time the Proof sheet of No 2 came out, otherwise the typographical errors, would have been fewer. Indeed, sickness has scourged our establishment generally and carried off a printer, and we regret extremely to say Mrs. T. H. Borden also feU a victim; 400 enlistment bills go by this boat and we intend to print a larger number, as Major Poe informs us they will be needed. The introduction of the article "a" before "juxtaposition" in your No. 1, was solely a typographical error and did not arise from any intention to make innovations in your style. We feel grateful for the flattering manner in which, you mention our paper and heartily wish you also success and happiness in your political and private career. RespectfulJy we remain Dear Sir
your obt faithful Servants G & T. H. Bordens pr Edward Gritten
His Ex. David G. Burnet President of Texas
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