July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[4206) [WHARTON to RUSKJ

Letter No. 1 To T. J. Rusk Brig. Genl. Comd.

War Department Velasco Sep. 13th 1836

Sir - The president has directed me lo inform you that in consequence of the great delay in your answerirw his communica- tion offering Col. MiUard a court martial (if he pr~ferrcd it) that he has caused said officer to be suspended and a preemlory order to that effect is herewith enclosed. Shonld Col. Millard still desire a court martial you will order him to proceed forthwith to the seat of Government and upon his reporting himself to this department a court martial will be granted him in compliance with the president's prom is~. You will perceive by order No. 2 also enclosed that Capn A Turner has been promoted to a Lieut. Colonency vice Col. H. Millard, and that you are particularly charged with placing him in command of the first regiment of Infantry. This promotiop look place at the Lime that the president thought the name of Col. Millard stricken from the rolls of the Army in compliance with his order heretofore issued, but should he be acquitted by the court martial no confusion shall Lake place in consequence of Col. Turner's promotion. In consequence of the great confusion which has heretofore existed from the want of proper information to act upon, l have issued order no. 3 also enclosed, which you will please have promptly attended to. Heretofore privates have presented them- selves, demanding that their accounts should be audited, claiming to belong to com panics of the existence of which this department had no knowledge; in order that this may be no longer the case, I beg that in this particular you will hereafter supply this department with proper information. Order No. 4 also enclosed was issued in consequence of the entire ignorance of this department in regard to the mallers there!n mentioned, and the object is lo ascertain the wants of the army m order that the same may be supplied, so far as the govermnent is enabled. I have lo request you that you will cause the adjutant and inspector general strictly to perform their duties, and henceforth reports will be regularly expected from them in compliance with


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