July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

(4203) [WHARTON to llUSKJ

War Department Velasco 13th September 1836

To T. J. Rusk Brig Gent Comd Sir

From some soofice recently arrive from the army I have been informed that the idea generally prevailed in Camp that the ~latarnoros expi<lition was abandoned; and from your silence upon the suLjccl and your recent letter their is some reason to beleive lhal il is correct tho I trust that you willnol neglect to inform this deparlmenl of so malerial a change. Everything has been promptly done which lay within the power of the Government to perform in order lo forward this expi<lition in compliance with your request and in this particular Lhe Govl will not cease it, operation until your offices inform us of you having abandoned the expedition. As early as the 13th clay of August and order issues from this departmenl to the Quarter Master Gent founded on your requisit or requiring of him lo offer transports for MOO hundred men and us compliance with this order he has procured the following vessels. The Durango, the urchin & the Steam boat Ocean the two first were already in Matagoras Bay as the latter in company with the Schooner Passaic" has already left for the place appointed the Ohio is now loading with wood and Lumber to build the boats required and will be on in a few days. The urchin Steam boat will be ready to go soon in a few clays and more vessels can be procure should these not be sufficient. Upward of 150 men left on lhe Ocean to join the main army and from fifty to one Hundred will be sent in the remaining vessels. You may rest assured that every thing in power of the Government will be cheerfully done to forward your views in regard to the contemplated cxpiclition and should anylhing before wanting you will please inform us with a Iillle delay as possible in order that the source way be Supplies. Jn conclusion I hope that we insurmountavle abslacts to you please of operations have presents though our primarily believing that should you encounter the essesy it would rcdown alike to your honor and to the wiliness of the country.

Your obt Servant John A Wharton Sec. of W:ir


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