July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

horse is a bay stud generally rode by Mr. Dyer Gen! Greens aid de camp. To these facts Col Cleveland & Adam Lawrence can bear indubitable evidence as well as may of Genl Greens own men - and I beg Sir that you will lake the trouble to ascertain the truth of the above and put the maller in such a fix as will be most serviceable in your opinion lo my rights. I am, Sir

with great respect and personal regards John Hull

[Addressed:] To Brigadier Genl Rusk Camp Velasco

[4202) [WHARTON to RUSK]

War Department Velasco Sep. 13th 1836

Order No. 1

To T. J. Rusk Brig. Genl. Comd. Sir

The president has been pleased to direct that Lieut. Col. Henry Millard be suspended from the command he now holds in the Regular Army of Texas: and you are hereby particularly charged to see that his pleasure in this respect is carried into immediate effect. You will take measures accordingly and forthwith report to this department By order of the president

John A. Wharton Sec. of War


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